Real Estate Performance. Delivered.

Flexible and impartial support for both strategic
and tactical level real estate projects


Forbes Consulting (A+B) Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy.

This Privacy Policy explains our data processing practices and your options regarding the ways in which your personal data is used. If you have any requests concerning your personal information or any queries with regard to our data processing please contact us at

Information collected

Forbes Consulting (A+B) Ltd collects the details provided by you and from your use of our service and your visits to our web site and other sites accessible from them.

We may collect additional information which you provide when giving us feedback or other communications. We also monitor customer traffic patterns and site use which enables us to improve the service we provide.

We will also use your contact details to communicate with you. We may use your information to send you offers and news about Forbes Consulting (A+B) Ltd services.

We like to hear your views to help us improve our service. From time to time, we may contact you by post, email, or telephone to ask your opinions.

Please note that there may be instances where it may be necessary for us to communicate with you, in any event, for administrative or operational reasons relating to our service.

Disclosures of your information

We will never pass your personal data to anyone else, except for any successors in title to our business and suppliers that process data on our behalf.

We may also use and disclose information in aggregate (so that no individual customers are identified) for marketing and strategic development purposes.

Other web sites

Our web site may contain links to other web sites which are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy.

If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you which will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours.


“Cookies” are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enables the server to collect information from the browser. You can find out more about the way cookies work on

Forbes Consulting (A+B) Ltd uses cookies for a number of purposes, for instance to enable us to simplify the logging on process for Client Support, to help ensure the security and authenticity of our client users, and to enable traffic monitoring.

Whilst you do not need to allow your browser to accept cookies in order to browse much of our web site or to access many of our services, you must have cookies enabled if you wish to access the Client Support area.

Most browsers allow you to turn off the cookie function. If you want to know how to do this please look at the help menu on your browser.

Access rights

You have a right to access the personal data that is held about you. To obtain a copy of the personal information Forbes Consulting (A+B) Ltd holds about you, please email